Five more film stocks

The amazing thing about film is there are piles of film stocks to experiment with, all with different effects and results. This is our third film stock round up, and some of these are the slightly more unique options, the rolls that don't get shot on an everyday basis. Hopefully this inspires you to pick up something new!


Photo by @photos.on_.film_

Kodak Ultramax 400 

  • An ISO 400, affordable consumer film.
  • This is such a great everyday shooting option - really flexible and adaptable to low light and even night situations.
  • Great colours for shooting both landscapes and people. Like most Kodak films, there is a slight red cast, but this never impacts skin tones.
  • Grain is more noticeable than the professional films, but never enough to impact your photographs.
  • Handles over exposure really well - this is a go to film for using with a flash, at parties or on holiday with a little point and shoot.



Photo by @sergsechko

Fuji C200 

  • Another cheaper, consumer film that is a great all round option for everyday shooting.
  • This gives a very similar look to Fuji Superia 400, with nice saturation and great colours. It handles blues and greens especially well, making it a great option for outdoor shooting.
  • Grain is distinct but never impacts the image, and contrast is well balanced.
  • C200 is best shot in bright sunlight and benefits from as much light as you can give it.


Photo by @danidominguezm

Foma Retropan 320 

  • A really unique, one of a kind option, Retropan is a B&W film with a distinctive grain.
  • It can be harder to shoot, and a little bit temperamental, especially if you're used to modern film stocks.
  • The distinguishing feature of this film is it's smooth, almost dream like effect
  • If you're after punchy, bold blacks, this is not for you. Instead you're going to get a muted image, with glowy light sources. Again, this isn't an everyday film, but will give you really unique, special images.
  • For best results, use the Foma Retro special developer



Photo by @andrewethomp

Fujifilm Velvia 100 

  • This is a professional quality slide film with a low ISO, best suited for sunny days with bright light.
  • Vivid, bold colours, leans a little towards the magenta side. Punchy and sharp but still subdued.
  • Super fine grain produces images that almost look digital, really clean and precise.
  • Velvia is best suited to landscape photography and doesn't shoot skin tones particularly well.
  • It may cost a little bit more than other films (bear in mind the developing process might be a little more pricey as well) but this is a one of a kind film stock.
  • Although this film has great push/pull suitability, it can be difficult to find the perfect exposure - this film really loves light and has a really small dynamic range, so you will definitely notice any underexposed images.



Photo by @dfradr

Cinestill 50D

  • A C-41, super unique ISO 50 film.
  • The low ISO means this film needs a lot of light,as much as you can give it. Use a diffused flash, a lens that opens up wide or lots of sunlight.
  • Super fine grain and brilliant detail
  • This film is true to life, and will accurately reflect the scene infront of it and it won't add any extra pop to what already exists in the scene. It works best in a scene with daylight colour temperature, with no colour cast or overly warm lighting. Wait until you have the perfect environment to shoot 50D - this isn't an everyday stock, but when used in the right conditions, can create truly magical photos.
  • You may want to experiment with filters to balance out this true to life result.
  • Great for skin tones as well as landscapes, is capable of more gentle, warm tones as well as much more saturated colours.


Cover photo : @leariekephotography

Author: Becca Knight 


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