Barbara Balcells Matas

Our interview with Barbara Balcells Matas, a photographer based in Barcelona. Her photos hold a certain romance, capturing the beauty and light of shared moments. 

"I like to take photos of everything that means something to me. It's the best way to get to know myself better."


What inspires your photography?

“There are many things that make me take a photo: the light, the colors, or the people around me. When I think if there is a common message behind my photos, I always remember an interview by Joel Meyerowitz, where he said that ‘he photographs to see what he’s interested in’."

What do you love the most about film?

“For me, the best thing is the pace of the analog process, away from the immediacy that surrounds us today. It's the surprise when developing what keeps me thrilled and it makes me love what I see more.”

What made you first pick up a film camera?

“I started using film cameras almost 10 years ago, when my father gave me his old Minolta. I’d always been interested in photography, but it was when I discovered the analog world that this interest became a passion.”

I can see in your bio that you’re from Barcelona! Amazing! Is there a large film community there?

"Yes, luckily, I live in a city where there is a huge creative community. It's great because it's easy to surround yourself with people with the same creative concerns to share and learn a lot with."

How did you stay creative during lockdown?

"At the time of confinement, I had just moved into a new apartment, which has a lot of very nice natural light, so I have been able to take a lot of photos, especially of the afternoon sun on my unmade bed (one of my favorite images of this confinement)."

Describe film photography in 3 words…

"Memory, surprise, poetry"

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